

WEERO comfort you & will go up with you

Korea - Vietnam Business Matchmaking Meetings.png

We are so happy to announce that we are going to attend Korea - Vietnam Business Matchmaking Meetings held by KORCHAM and HANTECH.

If you are looking for qualified device, please attend this show and our meeting.
At the trade show, you can see 2 main devices :

1. Weero's representative device "Apollo Duet"
Full anti aging skin care services with #radiofrequency and #electroporation

2. Weero's brand new device "EVE"
Latest technology of #EMS #Microcurrent and #hydradermabrasion

Don't miss the opportunity to see potential devices ????

We look forward to meeting you all ☺

#위로 #아폴로듀엣 #이브 #아폴로알파 #이브시너지 #시너지갤 #시너지젤 #엑스트림