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Apollo Duet RF (Radio Frequency)


What is Radio Frequency?

As time goes by, our skin gets older. From your 20s, your skin starts to sag as collagen and elasticity decrease.It creates wrinkles and sagging skin on your hands, neck, and body as well as your face.


There are a wide variety of anti-aging procedures that will rejuvenate your skin.

Among them, the Radio Frequency is a non-invasive procedure that does not hurt and does not have a recovery period.



How Apollo Duet RF works?

Apollo Duet uses 1MHz multipolar (bi-polar) radio frequency energy that waves 1 million times for every 1 second.

Apollo duet RF stimulates the fibroblast in dermis with heat generated by vibration, torsion, and friction on the skin and remodels collagen in the skin.

You can return to your beautiful youth by lifting sagging skin and improving wrinkles.

Apollo Duet handpiece houses both active and inactive electrode.

It does not cause sparks because RF energy is output only between the electrodes, so there is no risk of burns.

The waves give off heat that prompts your skin to produce more collagen and elastin.

The treatment also speeds up cell turnover, so the skin gets firmer and thicker over time.


Why Apollo Duet RF?

Apollo duet RF is different from others. It satisfies both users and customer by great effectiveness.

1.     Built in temperature sensor

A special body temperature sensor is built-in in the RF hand piece to check the skin temperature in real time.

Operator can check the skin temperature on the display easily without any other checking step.

Multipolar RF includes all +/- electrodes in one handpiece,

it enables to perform the treatment without using an uncomfortable and unsanitary electrode plate.


2.     Impedance check system

Apollo Duet incorporates several safety mechanisms in the device itself

to guarantee optimal skincare results with maximum protection of patients’ skin: Impedance Check System, Alarm guide, Robotic Cut off. etc.

If the skin surface temperature rises above the appropriate temperature, the alarm will sound and RF will not be output to prevent burns.


3.     630nm LED

630nm LED is simultaneously output during RF operation.

630nm LED has anti-aging effect so it gives synergy with RF anti-aging treatment.

It improves wrinkle suppression, collagen synthesis and elastin.


What Can Radiofrequency Treatments Help?

Radiofrequency skin tightening is a safe, effective anti-aging treatment for a number of different parts of the body.

It is a popular treatment for the face and neck area.

It can also help with loose skin around your belly or upper arms‌.

Radiofrequency skin tightening is considered safe and effective.

The FDA has approved it for reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

You may start to see changes to your skin right away.

The most significant improvements to skin tightness will come later.

Skin can keep getting tighter up to six months after the radiofrequency treatment.

Normally, since this procedure is completely noninvasive,

you won’t have much of a recovery time.

You may be able to go back to normal activities right after the treatment.

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